The “CHOICES” are being GIVEN… unto YOU!

Choose the ones you feel “Gratitude” for! The Future is the UNION You (Sacred Masculine Power.Action & Sacred Feminine Gratitude.Action) are here to “SeeD” Power.Gratitude, represents the Union of the Sacred Masculine & Sacred Feminine, in FAITH… and they are Love, in Love, of Love and with Love… they are given the “yes” to be…Read more The “CHOICES” are being GIVEN… unto YOU!

50th Friday, the 14th day of “Its TiMe to See”

Congratulations … you’ve reached the Friday’s of Faith…. the 5th Dimension… Letting… Faith… Show you… that which you’ve DREAMED… COME TRUE! Don’t be surprised, by the many surprises lined up for you to “See”… just let Faith LEAD you forward… The Sacred Masculine Power is now in Action as is the Sacred Feminine Gratitude… and…Read more 50th Friday, the 14th day of “Its TiMe to See”

Sacred Masculine Power Embraces Sacred Feminine Gratitude : He sees Her as He is!

She sees Him as SHE IS! This is all about their UNION … its all about, the choices they’ve made… to open the DOOR to Union… On Earth (Action) …. to reflect their Union in Heaven (Thought.Emotion). His embracing Gratitude… as the SACRED FEMININE… is HIS (Sacred Masculine) way to experience HIS power through her.…Read more Sacred Masculine Power Embraces Sacred Feminine Gratitude : He sees Her as He is!

Twin Flame & Sole Mates : Activation

I am given the gift to share the “Good News”… I am also given the INNERstanding, that the news isn’t good for ALL… and yet… it is all for GOOD! Twin Flames… is the Union of the Sacred Masculine Power Embracing The Sacred Feminine Gratitude. He is choosing to make HER dreams… his own. He…Read more Twin Flame & Sole Mates : Activation

Sacred Masculine Power & Sacred Feminine Gratitude… Union… and what does it mean for ALL of US?

Today, there is clarity… RETURN to your DREAMS… they are CALLING you … they are CHOOSING… they HAVE CHOSEN to come THROUGH and COME TRUE!   We’ve been through the WORST … the Human Destruct.Action and Deconstruct.Action… has finally… come to its “”, THIS IS ROCK BOTTOM… Globally… there is a TREND… more people are…Read more Sacred Masculine Power & Sacred Feminine Gratitude… Union… and what does it mean for ALL of US?

The Resurrect Action of the Sacred Feminine… the FoCUs of LiGhT is on the Human!

Love & Gratitude… Union in Power Faith! It is TiME to be Honest with your-self! Today, Gratitude, empties her-self… into the ROOTS, that the ROUTE/Path may be filled with The New Sacred Feminine… the Union of Faith & Gratitude! Empty yourself… and prepare for the New Moon Love… Presence of Union between your Faith in…Read more The Resurrect Action of the Sacred Feminine… the FoCUs of LiGhT is on the Human!

Let Us do this for YOU & ME!

The whole concept of WeAction Power.Gratitude, is to begin from “Let there be LiGhT”! Which means, you’re calling forth… CREATION… or CREATE.ACTION to Union in LiGhT… that YOU may “SEE”, that which you have CREATED and KEEP or REJECT! So, if you suddenly feel “Too Many Choices too little T.i.Me”, well, you’re in SYNC with…Read more Let Us do this for YOU & ME!

December Energy: Its T.i.Me to See!

A lot that is happening… are ACTIONS… born of Thoughts.Emotions we’ve COLLECTIVEL expressed! This is not going to be a pretty month… though it is… from the perspective of Love & Gratitude… as… We prepare for 2019 … this month is a REALITY check for ALL of US! We are going to SEE and FEEL…Read more December Energy: Its T.i.Me to See!

48th Friday of 2018 and 30th Day of Imagine . Action November!

The Month of Eternal FoCUs… has given us a GIFT! “ACTION it is”! The word ACTION is now Internally & Eternally Activated… which is the greatest sign of Manifest! We’re ready to “see” the results of CHOICES we’ve made. We began this month with Activating “Imagine.Action and Manifest.Action” with “Love & LiGhT” (Remember, Thursday vibration…Read more 48th Friday of 2018 and 30th Day of Imagine . Action November!

47th Friday, 23rd Day of Imagine Action: Review the View!

…. and it’s a FULL MOON!! Today is the day… the SunLiGhT… fills the Moon… to her fullness… and the StarLiGhT… “Sees” her … Radiate! and the Earth is thrilled to RELEASE and let her LiGhT fill the very roots of the Earth… with Her LiGhT… MoonLiGhT! Presence.Union of Power & Love… the FoCUs… #Moon!…Read more 47th Friday, 23rd Day of Imagine Action: Review the View!